
Zoe (a.k.a. Midnxghtxx)

Hey guys I’m Zoe! Pretty much your typical white-washed asian girl with a secret interest in anime. Colorful pens, bullet journals, hot guys, Doritos, make up and clothes make me really happy. I’m a senior in high school  college freshman trying to figure out life and taking L’s everyday.

Cari (a.k.a. lovebearxx71)

Hey! I’m Cari, and honestly I’m both the complete opposite, and the same as Zoe. Weird, I know. But basically, I grew up in a mostly Asian community, so my interest in dramas and anime is actually pretty public (regrettably, tbh, but more on that later). I love doodling, DIYs, make-up, clothes, and anything related to food.

A Little About Our Blog…

  • Morning Lecture:  Our day to day lives as stressful teenagers. From our exciting weekends to our college drama.
  • Noon Tunes: Song recommendations
  • Afternoon Styles: Our favorite outfits and current trends
  • Dinner Drama Dates: Your guide to all dramas– Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, Chinese– of all genres. Anything from episode recaps and reviews, to thoughts, rants, and recs!
  • Evening Study Sesh: Showcasing our favorite Bullet Journal pages, doodles and stationary
  • Midnight Anime Binges: Your guide to anime. My personal favs, reviews, recommendations that are worth staying up for . Including various genres from Sports, Action, Romance and more